World’s Fastest Chip from IBM
Updated:2010-11-30 10:44
World’s Fastest Chip from IBM

World’s fastest microprocessor – everyone wants to have this especially big company such as Intel and AMD. But today, IBM claimed and announced the availability of world’s fastest microprocessor that will begin shipping to all consumers on September 10, 2010.

IBM named it as z196 which have four core that contains 1.4 billion transistors on a 512-square millimeter surface. Using 45 nanometer silicon on insulator processor technologies, this new edge came into reality. With a clock speeds of up to 5.2 gigahertz that means this chip’s controlling clock can tick out 5.2 billion pulses per second just to keep data in processing around the microscopic channels in the chip.

This new technology uses embedded DRAM that can allow IBM to place dense DRAM caches or related components on the same chips as high-speed microprocessors. Nonetheless there is a growing need to regulate tremendous workloads and massive transfer of data that can comply with a number of transactions on daily basis.

Based from Berg Insight, a research firm, this kind of new technology is suitable for massive increase and expected to raise the pressure in our computer system today. On the fact that most people today are dealing with mobile banking and related financial services worldwide with an estimated growth from 55 million in 2009 to 894 million in 2015.


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